Auto Services
Looking to add on services?
Book one of our packages above and easily add one or more of these services below when scheduling.
Engine Bay Clean and Shine
Safe wash & degrease of engine compartment
Plastics and trims shined and protected
Improves longevity of engine components
Headlight Restoration
Headlights are compounded and polished to bring back the clarity and remove the foggy yellowing or hazing of the headlight
Improves brightness of headlights significantly
Glass ceramic coating
All glass contaminated, cleaned, lightly polished, and then 7-year ceramic coat applied
Improves visibility in the rain
Mold Remediation
Enzyme bacterial spot treatment of any mold or wet areas
Upholstery is shampooed and treated
Improves air quality & overall health safety of vehicle
Odor Removal
Ozone treatment removes odors at the molecular level
Enhances air quality inside the vehicle
Promotes a healthier and safer environment for passengers